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Wednesday Words No. 2

This week has gone so fast!  I almost forgot it was time for Wednesday Words.

Here are some fun “word” products and art to entertain and inspire.

Leave it to a creative from Brooklyn to create The Google Pillow collection inspired by the top Google searches.  I think this pillow is hilarious!  There is a pillow for each year, beginning in 2006 (shown above is 2010).   It’s like a time capsule on a pillow. You can see them all at the elastic co Etsy store. (I NEVER thought I’d have the words “Justin Bieber” on my blog! My niece is going to think I’m SO COOL.)

I love this letterpress poster from Roll & Tumble Press.  It makes me smile…as do the old cameras!  It could be on this photographer’s art wish list very soon.

If this isn’t how I’ve been feeling in the snowy, cold environs of NYC I don’t know what is!  The silk screen poster from Slide Sideways brings shine and inspiration today.

I’ve seen these fun vinyl wall art and decals before.  I think they are a lot of fun and a great way to decorate with words.  Instead of “writing on the walls” like we did with chalkboard paint the other day, you can  Right on the Walls with these decals.

My most favorite has to be this beautiful colorful front door! I could find lots of Peace, Love and Joy if I had that front entrance!

That’s all for our Wednesday Words.  What words would you like to use to add a little personal design to your house?  Me…

Happy Wednesday!

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