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Superhuman Breakfast Cooking

A Superhuman Breakfast referral brought me to my next adventure…
In eating…
For many of you, the combination of me + food + adventure wouldn’t be a big surprise. But, if you don’t know me, let me say this:


Not just “any” food. I like GOOD food. Talented chef-prepared, palate-pleasing, art on a plate food. I’ll try almost anything (ALMOST…don’t ask me to eat a pickle…It won’t happen…childhood pickle trauma lives on).

Foie Gras? I’m in.
Marrow? I’m IN!
Geoduck and Gooseneck barnacles? Yep, where’s the fork and the napkins?

7 course dinner? No problem.
14 course dinner? I’ve done them in the US and Europe.

I eat food.
I take pictures of food.


The more color, complex flavor, and interesting texture play the better in my world of “what’s cooking?”

But, there is a teeny catch here. I don’t eat like the above every day and I don’t cook any of the above EVER!

I love food. I really don’t love cooking.

So Adventure #3 was all about me and my kitchen, which is not a relationship that gets a lot of attention. Hot, healthy breakfasts made from scratch…for a week.

Cooking. Breakfast. Me.

Definitely felt like a Superhuman goal and adventure.

Oh and this breakfast, well it wasn’t just any breakfast but a breakfast full of ingredients that didn’t really seem to go with my “breakfast menu” definition. But, I trusted and I tried the Superhuman Breakfast Challenge.

I bought a few new kitchen “tools” to help me out.

Superhuman Breakfast

My new strainer used for steaming.

And, off I went. Cooking. With these ingredients:

  1. Eggs
  2. Greens (spinach, kale, mustard greens)
  3. Sweet Potatoes
  4. Sauerkraut (Uhm….GROSS…I NEVER thought I’d be able to do this but I was wrong!)
  5. Sea Salt

And here’s what I have to say about it…

#SuperhumanBreakfast style!

I’m actually several weeks past this adventure and I’m still cooking and eating it almost every morning. I’ve mixed the ingredients around and made it look and feel different to my palate as the days evolved so I wouldn’t get “foodie bored”. A few of my personal “mixologist” favorites:

Superhuman Hash
Eggs scrambled topped with diced sweet potato (or try butternut squash!) and dusted with sea salt makes a nice “scramble hash”.
Greens topped with kraut gives a nice mix of acid to the bitter of the greens and the textures work nicely together.

Superhuman Breakfast

Superhuman Breakfast Bowl
Layer as follows:

Scrambled Eggs
Diced Potato (Try butternut squash, this was my FAVORITE version)
Sea Salt dusting

Superhuman Breakfast

This bowl had roasted butternut squash and I added some of the roasted seeds.  Delish!

Superhuman Breakfast

My version with sweet potato, a few four minute eggs, and some green peas for a little “pop” of texture.

I overcame the sauerkraut freak out (close to my pickle freak out) with Seattle’s own Firefly Kitchens Kimchi that I purchased at the Ballard Farmers Market a few months ago. This past weekend I visited them again and I’ll soon be moving onto the Ruby Red kraut that is delish! Yin Yang Carrots is next on my list!

Superhuman Breakfast

You can play with your #SuperhumanBreakfast over here. You’ll really love the way it tastes and you’ll feel AMAZING! Breakfast without the heaviness, the sweets, the dairy…my body THANKS me! AND, it’s helped in another adventure I’ll be sharing soon.

More power to the SUPERHUMAN! And, yay for my own kitchen adventure growth opportunity and new “toys”! I actually do enjoy the cutting and prepping of fresh, easy food.  Who knew?

Here’s what I’m learning about Adventure after 3 weeks:

  • It’s easy to incorporate a little adventure into your life if you know what “adventure” means to you.
  • Just like gifts, adventures can come in large and small packages and sometimes the “small” ones are the most important.
  • Adventure for me is anything new, exciting, uncertain, challenging, and fun!
  • Some adventures I proactively select and plan…some adventures are “gifted” to me…like next week’s adventure: me in the foothill suburbs for 5 days (GASP!) with a dog named Bruiser and a little nature exploration discovery. You don’t want to miss that now do you? It’s almost like Green Acres!

What is Adventure for you?  Don’t forget to download my Adventure ebook to work through your own discovery and begin your Adventure list.
Buy Now!

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