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Museum & Memories…From “Muck”

Some people go to exotic places to create art…me, I sneak around dirty boat yards and find pleasure and creativity in things like mud and algae.


Today’s image represents this well, a little mud build up on the bottom of a boat in La Conner (someday I will edit pictures taken other places, I promise!). The image doesn’t quite give my usual color pop, but I love it nonetheless. Mostly I love it because it reminds me of a visit to the Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma with two of my nieces. It’s a lovely museum and perfect size for a quick creativity visit with little people (and big) who have short attention spans for such things.

We made a game out of our visit, identifying several categories to pick our favorite works of art; color, animal, etc. One of our favorites was a painting of a tulip without petals, done in a deep black. It was rather abstract but we loved it!

Today’s photo reminds me of that painting…and those two very special people. Can you see the stem and center of the tulip that lost its petals?

Funny, I just realized I took this photo the weekend I went to the tulip festival. I’m sure many of those tulips ended up looking much like this.

Their colorful memory still lodged in my mind also.

Here’s to making memories and to finding them unexpectedly while writing “on the run”!


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