Introducing Wednesday Words – The Art of Words
After only a week and a half, I have a totally new appreciation for daily bloggers. It’s not easy to keep content going. I am going to try a few “daily themes” to help me out a little.
I’m starting with WORDS.
I like words. They allow us to communicate and relate to people. They can change a mood, inspire a dream, and make a difference. We can get creative with them by writing, printing, or painting them in colorful and fun ways.
I decided to create a day of the week for exploring all the many creative ways we can use words to enhance design, create art, inspire, or express color.
What better day than Wednesday…because it starts with W (of course..) and because it’s a good day to share some extra word inspiration to get us over the mid-week hump.
I came across Book of Art by Veronica Salazar a few days ago. I love what she’s made and want to share her creativity and talent with you! Veronica doesn’t write, print, or paint her words. She folds them.
I’d love to put the three shown above on a long black shelf I have above my couch. I think they make great art and conversation pieces for any room.
If you were going to fold a word into a book what would you want to say? Me – SMILE!
You can see more on Book of Art’s Flickr Stream and contact her through the Book of Art Etsy store.
Thanks for stopping by to
my blog and for joining me on for the first WEDNESDAY WORDS.
Create. Love. Dream.
And come back tomorrow to Read more!