Amazon Biospheres “Snow Globe” Photo Go Viral To Close Out 2016
Amazon Biospheres Snow Globe Photo Go Viral To Close Out 2016...and open 2017!
Several weeks ago I told you about the awesome birthday surprise and the Jeff Bezos tweet of my "snow globe" photo of the Amazon Biospheres. It was fun and exciting and that tweet got a lot of attention!
1.1k likes as of last week!
A wow moment for me and I'm grateful to Jeff Bezos for sharing it and kicking off a bit of a domino effect as GeekWire picked up the photo tweet and featured it and my website. That was a surprise too!
Hey, December...I LIKE your surprises!
I reached out to the GeekWire reporter to send a thanks for featuring and the next thing I knew a follow-up interview was scheduled and there I was sitting down telling my story and talking about the Amazon Biospheres for a more detailed GeekWire feature.
The Art of Changing Perspective A week ago I was basking in an uncharacteristically sunny February day and took a last minute adventure out to Port Townsend for a few days because it's one of my favorite places to spend time
Coloring Purple: From Cabo to Seattle
I've promised myself I will share color this week. Short and sweet. Purple sunset skies inspire! Sunset on the beach in Cabo San Lucas Mexico Sunset on the waterfront at Seattle Art Museum Olympic Sculpture Park Colorfully, Melissa PS - More color and a
I Wish I Could…
Several years ago I was lamenting on Twitter about how I wished I could paint. Something, by the way, I've never really put much effort into trying or learning. For all I know, I'm a modern day Picasso in hiding.