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  Love Letter To Amsterdam I love Amsterdam. From the first visit I was smitten. My soul had a crush that grew into a full on love affair over the years and visits. In September I declared "I want to spend October in Amsterdam." A month to romance fully with my soul city. October wasn't meant to be...BUT, December/January is! Holidays in Europe. Patience, flow and determination -- CHECK

This week we head out to Snoqualmie Valley with Bruiser where I did some dog-sitting and suburbia exploring. I'm VERY behind in my adventure writing... I've been TOO busy ADVENTURING!!! Let's see if we can catch up. I headed out to Snoqualmie Valley to hang out with my buddy Bruiser for the week and explore the suburbia side of life in the Greater Seattle area. A bit of a stretch for me because I'm not a suburbs kinda girl. I AM however a dog kinda girl! And, Bruiser is a girl (with a camera) kinda dog. MATCH!! IMG_0204

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