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What Touches and Inspires You?


A link to the bulletproof musician blog was posted on my Facebook Page this week.

I enjoyed reading the post about “Why It’s Better to Be Better Than Different” and thought about Dr. NOA KAGEYAMA’s comments:


“Take a moment to think about the things that touch and inspire you…Consider how you might then take these elements and create something memorable of your own, something uniquely you, requiring the unique blend of talents, experiences, and perspectives that of the 6.93 billion or so people in the world, only you can bring to the table in quite that way – where transcendence, beauty, and emotion is the target, rather than novelty or originality per se. Something that you are proud of, tickled pink about, can’t wait to tell the entire world about – and not because it’s “perfect” per se, but because you think it’s just so darn cool and can’t imagine a world without it.”


For me, the thing that touches and inspires me is COLOR! Using it in my own unique way.  Communicating through it.  Telling stories from it.  Finding beauty in the unexpected because of it.  And maybe…just maybe…changing the world (or at least a few people) by sharing it my own way.  My hope is that my journey and my voice will inspire you to share whatever touches and inspires you.  And that you, too, will find a way to put YOUR “color” into the world in YOUR own unique way.

I can’t imagine a world without THAT!


Matteo Negrin’s Inspiration

Take a few minutes to watch the Music Painting video from the post.  It is beautiful and inspiring!


Another example of coloring (and “playing”) out LOUD!  A great message and very creative way of communicating it.

Comment below and let me know what inspires you and how you share it in your unique way. I want to know!



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