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The Colors of Spring: Brooklyn In Bloom

Spring is here!

Here’s how I know:

  1. Mother Nature can’t make up her mind if she wants blue skies, sun, clouds, torrential rain or Wizard of Oz winds.
  2. I’m wardrobe challenged most days….coat?  short sleeves?  long sleeves?  wool?  wellies?  ankle weights…
  3. I am slowly losing my “long Winter SAD” effects (see above for explanation of SLOWLY…)
  4. Flowers are BLOOMING!

We won’t dwell on the first three…

Color is returning.

Oh, how I MISSED it!  Thank you, thank you!!!!  Spring AWAKENING!

Here’s some “local” blooms I recently captured to color your morning.




I stopped by the Grand Army Plaza Green Market at Prospect Park in Park Slope a few weekends ago armed with my Canon camera and beloved Canon 100mm macro lens, the perfect lens for Spring.

The potted plants were beautiful!



These mini Orchid plants were so captivating!  When I downloaded this one it reminded me of an angel.   A little Photoshop edit and she floats with her wings held high.


This weekend I went for a walk around the neighborhood, again with the macro lens, and had some fun with these pink pretties.






Here’s to Spring, the return of color!!, and the perfect lens to capture it!


Happy COLORFUL Spring from melissaAnne COLORS !!!

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