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Mindfulness: Attained & Sustained

I hear this comment a lot, "You are so creative!"

I consider it a HUGE compliment because in part, it's not completely a natural talent of mine. Yes, I have elements of my "creative identity" that come fairly natural. My creativity behind the camera lens is, in some ways, natural. But the reality is, even our natural talents have to be practiced in order to sustain them. AND, we also have to discover them. What if nobody had ever given me a camera. I would have no idea that a creative eye for photography lives inside. The same is true for my mindfulness practice and the creative pages that fill my sketchbooks. This is definitely not a natural talent of mine by "traditional" means. I can't draw. Really, I can't. Sit me in front of a bowl of fruit and ask me to draw it and it won't end well. On the page or in my body. I'll be full of anxiety, doubt and judgement. Feelings I consistently work to remove from my life through mindfulness practices. After spending many years developing a mindful coloring practice, sit me in front of a sketchbook in a quiet, reflective environment and give me something to draw with and a whole different scenario plays out.

My body relaxes and feels soothed.

I effortlessly let color and expression flow onto the page in creative ways.

I end with a feeling of accomplishment, wonder and peace.

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