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Love Letter To Amsterdam

Love Letter To Amsterdam – Farewell

Love Letter To Amsterdam – Farewell…for now…

January 9, 2016

My Dearest Amsterdam,

I woke under the cover of darkness this morning with a knot in my belly and a sadness in my soul. The time has come. I must leave you.

Love Letter To Amsterdam

As I say my final farewell, I can hardly see your through the tears but I am grateful for the time we had together. I will always remember these moments, so special. Not only did I fall more deeply in love with you, but others developed a crush on you as well. You, my dearest Amsterdam, allowed me to feel my love and pass it on.

Thank you to all I met, to all I experienced, to all I felt, to all I learned to, to all I COLORED and to all who joined me and LOVED with me.

Love Always,


PS – I’ll be back. I just KNOW it! Vaarwel & tot gauw




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