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Doodle Lessons – When The Shoe Fits

If we are lucky in life, we find something that really fits.  Even luckier if we find multiple “somethings”  I suppose.

Maybe it’s a purpose, or a passion that we feel strongly in our soul, or a relationship that feels destined to be…or the perfect pair of shoes.

Whatever it is, when we find it I believe we should embrace it and be grateful for it…even if attaining it is a challenge.  I heard in a movie once, “I’m not going to miss out on something great just because it might be hard.”


Today’s Doodle “scribble” message came to me as a shoe.  It started as a line that now makes up the top of the red shoe and the curvy line that is now the “heel”.  As I was filling in the colors and bringing the shoe to life, I got these words in my head:

“When the shoe fits…”

Doodle #2 in oil pastels


Following the morning Doodle, I opened my email and was presented with a new opportunity to reach more people and share the power of the “Doodle”.  After a few moments of the ego voice making itself known, the Doodle Voice spoke up.

“When the shoe fits…”

I think I’ve found a shoe that fits.

Stay tuned…


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