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Amazon Biospheres Snow Globe Photo Go Viral To Close Out 2016...and open 2017! Several weeks ago I told you about the awesome birthday surprise and the Jeff Bezos tweet of my "snow globe" photo of the Amazon Biospheres. It was fun and exciting and that tweet got a lot of attention! screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-6-59-43-pm 1.1k likes as of last week! A wow moment for me and I'm grateful to Jeff Bezos for sharing it and kicking off a bit of a domino effect as GeekWire picked up the photo tweet and featured it and my website. That was a surprise too! Hey, December...I LIKE your surprises! I reached out to the GeekWire reporter to send a thanks for featuring and the next thing I knew a follow-up interview was scheduled and there I was sitting down telling my story and talking about the Amazon Biospheres for a more detailed GeekWire feature.

  Doodle Blog Header - Template (2) It's been some time since I shared my Doodles on my blog. I'll admit I fell out of my regular Doodle habit. I still Doodled, but I stopped Doodling every day. Sometimes life just takes twists and turns and things change. I've come to realize that for me, the Doodle isn't a "quick draw" on a piece of paper. For me, Doodling is a slow down, go within, get quiet, melt into color and touch, and begin to listen to the thoughts and messages that come through in my head activity.

Hey, wait...that sounds kinda familiar doesn't it?  

Quiet... Slow down... Go within... Listen...


Yep, for me Doodling is meditation, creative meditation, and if it doesn't happen for at 30 minutes I don't feel like I get the true value from it. I need at least that long to get where I want to go physically and mentally. Based on this new knowledge, I'm working on getting back into the Doodle groove and indulging when I know I have the time, or need to MAKE the time given the energy in my body, to do it in a way that is fulfilling for me.

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