My Happy Color
If you know me this next sentence will be old news. I LOVE the color turquoise. No matter where it is or what it "colors". It makes me happy. I found this turquoise happiness at Seattle Center last week.
Alki – Beginning To End
Alki is a magical little place in West Seattle. I've loved it from the moment I was introduced to it and I try to visit often for beach time and COLOR fun. Last night I had the pleasure of "rising
Strong and Soft
We've had some amazing sunsets in Seattle lately due to smoke from fires far away. Today I picked a "stand in" image from a sunset a few weeks ago. It spoke to me with its beautiful colors of course
Flowers For Friday
It has been one LONG week! My extended holiday last week created overwhelm this week and I had no chance to COLOR! Speaking of extended holiday, I took the ferry out to Port Townsend last week and had